Entrust on the solidity of Morandi Group
About Us
Steel is our favorite ingredient. Since 1973, we manage companies operating in the steel industry, specializing in the steel products sale, in the trade fairs and events organization and in the news and information service. The Board of Directors of Morandi Group Srl, Holding of six Companies, is composed of
Emanuele Morandi, Paolo Morandi, Francesca Morandi and Gianfranco Tosini. In addition to steel, the common denominator of the Group is the set of values founding the Morandi style, such as transparency and the desire for innovation.
Steel Hollow Sections Trade
Morandi Stel Spa, held by Morandi Group Srl, is specialized in structural hollow section steel trade and processing and products for steelworks. The Group trades also a wide range of sheet plates & iron strips through its subsidiary Globalsider Srl.
Steel Events
Made in Steel and Bilanci d’Acciaio are just some of the events organized by the community of Italian steel Siderweb Spa, owned by Morandi Group Srl.